
What's happening?!

Lots happening! I don't post much here anymore, I should, but I don't have time and no internet at home. Plus, I've kind of moved my blog to MySpace. Yes, I broke down and got a MySpace account. I like it because I feel I have more control over who reads and sees my stuff. So, if you have a MySpace account and miss my daily dailies, let me know what it is and I'll add you as a friend so you can get all the daily blog goodness. Otherwise, its going to be few and far between here on Blogger.

Anyway...my brother is done with his treatment. He's still recovering, and has a long journey ahead of him to get better, but overall he's much improved. Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts and prayers...I truly believe they've bolstered him through this.

Well this Sunday is my birthday and I'm turning 26. What a lame year. 25 was like the last "hurrah" of my youth, and now I have no excuses anymore. I'm 26. I am going to grad school for an MBA. I am on Weight Watchers and eat frozen diet meals rather than sandwiches for lunch. I use anti-wrinkle creams. I worry about my cat. Its happening, I'm getting older. I will embrace this with as much grace as I can muster.

I live with a cat now, as mentioned above. I like the randomness of an animal in the house. I do not like that she has taken up peeing on everything. The vet says its just her marking her territory in a new house, but still, its been a month that I moved...she better get over this quick. I can only stand having vinyl covers on all my furniture for so long. Any ideas on how to stop a cat from peeing on stuff?


Blogger Patrick O'Neil said...

Get him his own myspace account and he’ll be too busy.

7:05 PM  
Blogger TF said...

Well, I'll still be reading your blog here, and I hope you can continue to read mine. :)

2:56 PM  

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