
Fridays are for dreaming

Over the past few weeks, I've noticed a re-emergence of my dream life. I've always had an active imagination, and sometimes I wonder if I live too much inside my own head. Dreaming is something I look forward to every night; the possibilities that my mind conjures up are vivid, full color and so lifelike I wake up often unsure if my dreams are real, and this waking world is a dwelling of my subconcious.

For a while, my dreams were stifled. I'm sure I dream; we all dream, every night, but we don't always have the pleasure of recalling the movies our mind makes. Over the past few weeks though, my dreams have burst through and remain so vivid that they linger for hours well after waking. It's actually getting to the point where my dreams are so enmeshed in the activities of my life that I don't know sometimes if something I remember is an actual event, or just something I dreamt a few nights ago.

I've been dreaming a lot about airplanes. In my dreams, airplanes are friendly, sweet beasts...soaring effortlessly and wizzing around in the sky, like Superman. It's like the old dream of flying, but now with stewardesses and comfortable first class amenities. In these dreams, the airplanes whisk me to temples in Nepal, or cathedrals in Rome, and hilltop vineyards in the South of France. I meet up with friends and family members on these exotic journeys. My brother and I ended up at a lovely, sweet-aired mountaintop in the north of Italy, and we jaunted off to Belgium and the Netherlands. I travel the world in these dreams, the sole passenger on an airplane coasting through the sky as naturally as the blood in my veins.

I've dreamed I was a baseball games with Prince William. In this reverie, we laughed at the players and his father scoffed at my question as to whether he'd ever become king. The next day I was randomly invited to an English pub by a friend I hadn't seen in a long time. The walls were plastered with images of the British royal family. Odd, isn't it?

Last night my dream invoked a scene from my night. Earlier in the waking portion of my evening, I spent some time with a few classmates at a local wine bar. Following that, my dreams took me back to the wine bar, where I enjoyed more conversation and good wines. Same friends, and same scene, as if the night wasn't supposed to end so I continued it in my dream. I don't know what it all means. I spent a good portion of my morning hazily attempting to distinguish the blurry lines between my reality and my surreality. Lately, its not so easy to do.

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Blogger richgoldstein13 said...

It would be an honor to play baseball with royalty, except I'm sure they would cheat.

12:51 AM  

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